Lemon Diet: Lose 20 Pounds Under 2 Weeks!

Are you going on vacation soon and you want to look confident in your bikini? Or, maybe you have a big celebration coming up and you want that slim dress to fit you perfectly? You’re probably wondering how can you achieve that in a short amount of time, but we’re here to tell you that it’s absolutely doable!

All you need is water and lemons!
lemon diet

Lemons are one of the healthiest fruits in the world. They are rich in vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, antioxidants, citric acid, calcium, copper, iron, flavonoids, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and dietary fiber.
They are real health bombs – their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help boost the metabolism, improve digestion, lower high blood pressure and the “bad” cholesterol, prevent cancer and fight against numerous diseases.

Actually, it’s the citric acid contained in lemons that makes the blood alkaline and helps neutralize the radicals in the body, eventually leading to weight loss. That’s why lemons are included in almost every diet.

With this simple lemon diet it’s possible to lose up to 20 pounds in just 2 weeks. You don’t have to eat the lemons, just squeeze them and mix the lemon juice with fresh water.

Here’s the 14-day diet plan: 

● Day 1: juice of 1 lemon mixed with 1 glass of fresh water.

● Day 2: juice of 2 lemons mixed with 2 glasses of fresh water.

● Day 3: juice of 3 lemons mixed with 3 glasses of fresh water.

● Day 4: juice of 4 lemons mixed with 4 glasses of fresh water.

● Day 5: juice of 5 lemons mixed with 5 glasses of fresh water.

● Day 6: juice of 6 lemons mixed with 6 glasses of fresh water.

● Day 7: juice of 3 lemons mixed with 10 glasses of fresh water.

● Day 8: juice of 6 lemons mixed with 6 glasses of fresh water.

● Day 9: juice of 5 lemons mixed with 5 glasses of fresh water.

● Day 10: juice of 4 lemons mixed with 4 glasses of fresh water.

● Day 11: juice of 3 lemons mixed with 3 glasses of fresh water.

● Day 12: juice of 2 lemons mixed with 2 glasses of fresh water.

● Day 13: juice of 1 lemon mixed with 1 glass of fresh water.

● Day 14: juice of 3 lemons mixed with 10 glasses of fresh water.


1. You can add honey to the juice to sweeten it.

2. Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning (before breakfast). If you cannot drink the whole juice at once, then drink it throughout the whole day, at least 1 hour before every meal.

3. During this diet you should avoid: white bread, pasta, pastries, sweets, snacks, chips, carbonated beverages, alcohol and fried / junk food.

4. If you have gastrointestinal problems, this diet will cause additional problems, so it’s best you skip it.

5. Keep it mind that this is only a short-term solution and it’s not recommended for longer periods.

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